Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sociological Perspectives On Social Issues - 957 Words

When something negative occurs within someones life they tend to look for a cause, a reason as to why this has happened. They do this by looking at the different aspects of their personal life, however they don’t take into consideration the fact that sociological issues within that society may have also attributed to that problem taking place. C. Wright Mills (2010) believed that â€Å"neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society could be understood without understanding both†, and with this in mind he came up with the concept of Sociological Imagination. This concept required people to think outside of the familiar routines of their daily lives in order to see them from a new point of view (Giddens Sutton, 2013). This new way of thinking opened people’s minds to the many sociological issues that were unknowingly having a large effect on their everyday lives, in turn helping them to distinguish between a personal trouble and a social issue. One prevalent issue within various societies is the rapidly increasing rate of divorce, along with the common misconception that divorce is only caused by a person’s immediate relations (Hewitt et al., 2005). Within this essay, the argument that divorce is a social issue rather than an individual problem will be made by looking at the sociological effects that women’s rights, ethnicity and religion have on divorce. Women’s rights is the first example of a societal structure that has contributed to the increase inShow MoreRelatedThe Concepts Following Sociological Imagination675 Words   |  3 Pages In this essay I’ll be talking about Sociological Imagination and the concepts following it and more especially the importance of it. Sociological Imagination is one of the core concepts of Sociology whereas Sociology is all about studying people within the society and what they do. 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Mills uses specific examples like unemployment and societal development. Mills explains the ability to connect the individual problems with societal problems. Throughout the text, we can see how Mills uses the perspective of an individual to explain the perspective of society and vice versa. Using sociological imagination, I will explain how education is influenced by societyRead MoreSociological Perspectives On The Sociological Perspective1178 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sociological Perspective is a behavior that connects one with society. As written in the textbook Society the Basics, sociological perspective is also defined as â€Å"seeing the general in the particular† (Berger, 1963). A major part of being a sociologist is finding patterns in everyday life. As an or dinary person, finding patterns is almost a natural instinct. Every individual falls into a category, whether how unique they claim to be. 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